Marie Adams EEM-AP, CHT, PT is the owner of Healing Change.
Marie has been a professional therapist for over 24 years. She is an empathetic listener as well as caring, non-judgmental and supportive. All sessions are completely confidential and performed in a safe and trusting environment.
Marie is a certified Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP), certified Hypnotherapist (CHT), certified Energy Codes Coach (by Dr Sue Morter), and also certified in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) . These are the main techniques used in the sessions.
Marie's background is in Physical Therapy and she has a degree (equivalent to Bachelors) in Physical Therapy from Lund University in Sweden.
Other Courses and Training
Certified Wellness Coach through the Catalyst Coaching Institute
Acupressure Mastery Program; Michael Reed Gach PhD
Acupoint Physical Medicine Certification; International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
Life Force Energy Healing level 1; Deborah King
Touch for Health I; International Kinesiology College
EFT Advanced Certificate of Completion; Pat Carrington/The EFT Certificate of Completion Program
EFT for Serious Diseases; Gary Craig, Springfield MO, 2004
Myofascial Release I+II; John Barnes/MFR Treatment Centers & Seminars
Myofascial Unwinding; John Barnes/MFR Treatment Centers & Seminars
CranioSacral Therapy I; The Upledger Institute
Awakening Your Light Body Course; Rev. Marakai D'ane/Orin & DaBen